Ash Cigar Lounge
Membership Benefit Programs
Lounge Forum – Share cigar and accessory reviews with other members. Increase your cigar knowledge by asking questions and engaging in threads.
Cigar of the Month Club – Each month, we will feature an assortment of cigars from a selected maker or country of origin. These cigars are complimentary for Churchill and Toro members (one /week). Sorry, guests are not eligible for the program.
Guests/Visit - A member may bring guests as per their membership level. There is a $10 fee/guest/visit. The same guest may enjoy the lounge a maximum of two visits/month. Any more than that, and they’ll need to purchase an individual membership.
Alcoholic Beverages – Churchill and Toro members may keep a bottle of alcohol in their locker or behind the lounge bar, to enhance their smoking experience. Please note: lounge staff is required to pour drinks and monitor member consumption, as per our liquor license.
Semi-Private Rooms – We have a room that may be used for business meetings or special outings, at no cost. It can accommodate 7 - 8 people and holds a wall-mounted smart tv for presentations and entertainment. 24 hour advance notice required to reserve the room.